Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Oh when the Saints....

Congrats to the Saints and the city of New Orleans. This win was good for football. America obviously agrees. Super Bowl XLIV is now the most watched television program of all time, beating the finale of the hit show M.A.S.H. in 1980. This is quite an accomplishment. I could write much more about this, but it's time to move on until the draft in April, so here we go...

  • The controversy over the recent Sports Illustrated Olympic cover featuring American downhill ski star Lindsey Vonn is nothing short of stunning to me. She is in a ski pose wearing a ski outfit. Anyone who thinks that this is in any way sexual either needs to visit the same sex clinic as Tiger Woods, or really has nothing better to talk about. It couldn't be any less sexual in my opinion.

  • The new uproar over John Mayer is not shocking because he tends to over-speak his mind, but using the n-word????? Really John? His sexual deviance has been exposed over his last few interviews. He seems to have gone off the deep end. I don't know whether it's drug-induced, or he is simply insane, but before long, he and Kanye West may be playing in their own sandbox at the wrong end of the playground. If you didn't read what he had to say in this revealing interview with Playboy, here is the link (not work appropriate, by the way). http://http//

  • So, obviously being a giant Howard Stern fan, many people want to know what I think about the potential of him taking Simon's seat on American Idol next season. I have to say, I think it would be great. However, I don't think that the executives at Fox know what they might be getting into. On paper, bringing in Howard might look great. He's brash, strong-willed, and very opinionated. He also brings an enormous ego and a tendency to cross the line under any circumstance. Who knows? This could be what Idol needs to bring it into the next era, and it could just be rumors that will die quicker than the careers of Taylor Hicks and Bo Bice.

  • I was happy to see that the charges of domestic assault against Rams running back Steven Jackson have been dropped. After reading through the reports, it's pretty clear that the female associated with the claims has many holes in her story. Is it not a coincidence that she came forward with these claims during Super Bowl Week? This girl has Kobe Chaser written all over her. I'm not trying to trivialize a serious issue by any means...I think that Chris Brown should be castrated; but when evidence is lacking, the accuser is less than credible, and the accused is a multi million dollar athlete, I think it best to adhere to innocent until proven guilty.

  • The possibility of expanding the NCAA tournament is sickening to me. 92 teams??? That would turn the first round games into the basketball equivalent of the Little Caesars Bowl in football or the WNBA finals. 65 teams is perfect. I get the revenue angle, but overkill may set in with an entire month of the tourney. Let's keep it at 65.

  • Mardi Gras is only 3 days away now. In New Orleans, this will be the culmination of two weeks of madness. I'm actually contemplating putting my liver on Craigslist New Orleans.

That's it for now. I'll be back this weekend with some Winter Olympics thoughts. I am so excited for this momentous event in world history. What a thrill!! Comments, critisism always welcome. Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Greetings from Miami!

I think it goes without saying that Super Bowl Week is one of my favorite weeks of the year. I absorb all of the excess and even embrace it. Media Day is great. I love hearing the interviews with former NFL stars (and even scrubs), and most importantly, the over analysis of the big game itself. This wouldn't be a blog though if I didn't have some observations of my own.

  • Chad Ochocinco, as always, is stealing the show. He couldn't have picked a better time to launch his new network OCNN. If you haven't yet, make sure you download his app for iPhone and Blackberry.

    • The attention paid to Kim Kardashian is amusing and a little bit sad at the same time. She travels through South Beach with as much clout as Muhamad Ali and as much security as Pope Benedict III. Not that she's rough to look at, but it's getting to be just a bit much.

    • Jay Glazer from Fox Sports is a MEATHEAD!!

    • The sports radio jocks who have decended upon South Florida make the crowd who gathers for the AVN Awards in Vegas look like the crowd at a convention for Southern Baptists. These middle-age, overweight assclowns are running around from club to club like their last name is Lohan. Their sole purpose is to bring back any piece of trash that stands before them and brag about it when they return to Pittsburgh, Seattle, Kansas City, etc...
    • Peyton Manning is the BEST quarterback ever to play. Period.

    • How will the commercials be this year? Not a whole lot of buzz, but one story snuck through the cracks. I heard that CBS has vetoed (a homosexual dating site) because the network is staying away from hot button issues. Why is it then that Tim Tebow's anti-abortion ad is allowed to air? I don't care either way, it just seems like a bit of a double standard.
    • Finally, this game has alot to live up to. The last two Super Bowls have been nothing short of phenomenal. Somehow, I am guessing that the game will be a blowout early.

    • My predicion: Colts 43, Saints 27.

    Despite the current Super Bowl bubble I reside in, I do realize that there is life outside of Miami so here are a few more bits from this last week that intrigue me.

    • I still don't know what to make of this iPad deal. Apple has hit gold with everything it's produced in the last decade, but this seems like it might be a stretch. If it works, it will change the way we communicate; if it bombs, Apple might be headed back toward the state of hibernation it resided in for the better part of fifteen years.
    • I don't know what to think about what has become of Facebook. All of the new weekly themes and constant updates on people's farms and sorority houses are great! I really wish I could run my own farm. It's what I have been dreaming about since I was seven.

    • When are all channels going to be in HD? I might go back to watching shows like Real World again if it didn't look like it was shot during the Regan administration.

    • So I've been told by the police that St. Louis now has a heroin epidemic. Fantastic!

    • Mardi Gras is only a week away. Let the weather gods be in a good mood now. I'm predicting 62 degrees and sunny. Always fun regardless.

    That's it for now. Go Colts (-5 1/2)!!