Thursday, March 4, 2010

Long Time, No Read

I know, I know, I've been brutal about updating this deal for the last few weeks (two to be exact) Well, I'm back, and much has gone on in the world during this massive period of time. I won't try to address it all, but I'll do my best.

  • So it looks like Tiger is getting closer and closer to his return...Can you say Augusta National?? This is the best news golf has had since Happy Gilmore beat Shooter McGavin to claim the 1996 US Open. I doubt that most people will be able to get past the sexual escapades of one Eldrick Woods, and that is fine. I still have some interest (the Howard Stern Tiger Woods Mistress Beauty Pagent is scheduled for next Tuesday), but in reality, I just want to see him go out and do what he does best...kick ass. I want to see him make everyone pay who might have had some critisism for him throughout this difficult time. I want to see him embarass his competition at each stop. Without him, you can count on zero hands how many golf tournaments I will watch this year, and that is likely the case for most of America.

  • Has anyone else noticed that Dancing With the Stars is clearly trying to woo men to their program? How else can you explain Ocho Cinco and Erin Andrews on the same season? Though I have yet to watch this dynamic program, I feel I could create the perfect cast. I'd go with Vijay Singh, Rosie O'Donnell, Sean Penn, Michael J. Fox, Amy Winehouse, Barbara Walters, and probably round it out with Peyton Manning. Thoughts?

  • The Oscars are coming up and my predictions are in. Hurt Locker will win Best Picture, Jeff Bridges - best actor, Sandra Bullock for actress, etc. etc....If I had a vote, Inglorious Bastards would dominate the awards. It will surely win supporting actor and possibly director and screen play. It was original, poignant and highly entertaining. Great all around. Go rent it if you haven't caught it yet.

  • I'm amused by Tony Kornheiser's suspension from PTI on ESPN. He commented on another ESPN reporter's wardrobe and is now off the show for 2 weeks. ESPN has really become the nazi's of their own people. I feel like at night when all the shows end, each anchor, commentator, personality sleeps in a cell up in Connecticut and is released only to film their portion for television.
  • The new etrade baby sucks.

  • I'm beginning to have major doubts about the Rams and their draft. I have currently reduced my life by two or three years debating this, and it is likely that by April 22, I will be scheduled to live only 13 more years. As of now, I'm still with Suh, but surely Mel Kiper and Todd McShay will have talked me into Bradford by the time Kansas and Syracuse are playing for the National Championship. We'll see.

  • Not a fan of Idol this year. Brutal on most counts. Ellen makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out, and Kara is getting on my nerves more and more as the show progresses. I can see maybe three or four of these people winning, and the winner will likely be relegated to the career success of Taylor Hicks, Ruben Studdard, or the great Fantasia Barrino.

  • I'm back to listening to MGMT again lately on my ipod. If you haven't gotten into this yet, please download it. Great record.

Thats it for now, I'll get back Sunday night with a new countdown and maybe some other stuff. Please check back often....

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