Saturday, January 2, 2010

First Random Observations of the new Decade

Happy New Year everyone. I don't really do New Years resolutions, but I did promise myself I would update this more often per some requests. Look for updates every 2-3 days as opposed to ever 2-3 weeks. Here is just some of what is going on right now.

  • Don't get me wrong, loved The Hangover, but for the love of god, if 1 more person makes their Facebook status a quote from the movie, I am going to drink antifreeze
  • Has anyone ever seen any females working at Taco Bell that are as attractive as the 2 girls in the current T-Bell commercial with the $89 5 Layer Burito??
  • I have gotten off the fence and I am fully supporting Mizzou joining the Big 10. Yes, we would lose 1 rivalry with Nebraska, but after doing some reading, the financial windfall is very attractive. My one major concern would be the impact of recruiting in the lucrative football state of Texas.
  • I don't know why I continue to watch Bowl Games. For one, I am a steadfast opponent of the current system, and secondly, I would never watch Northern Illinois play South Florida during the regular season, why the hell would I watch them play for the International Bowl title in Toronto, Canada?
  • I have been addicted to the ESPN 30 for 30 series. If you haven't seen any of them, please check it out. It also made me realize how important it is for the Cardinals to re-sign Albert. Edmonton losing Gretzty was a good reminder of what 1 players impact on a city is.
  • Some of you have heard about my recent incident at the Clayton restraunt "Arkaka." In case you didn't, some short details; Very expensive restraunt, Courtney finds live worm in her fish, very smug appology, bill is still $90. Everyone in the restraunt ignores us afterward. So I put a very honest review on Urban Spoon. The review is removed in less than 24 hours. That website is obviously paid off by certain restraunts. Don't believe anything you read on there, and for the love of god, please never waste your money at Araka!
  • Seen a few movies lately, and surprisingly liked them all in different ways. Up in the Air, Avatar, and Sherlock Holmes are all definitely worth watching. Very entertaining and thought provoking on all accounts.
  • Is it me or is there a huge lull in new music right now. I am getting very bored of my current I-phone playlist. New music please!
  • I don't know where I stand on the Mike Leach, Texas Tech incident. It does sound like the kid was a slacker, but at the same time, this isn't the days of Bear Bryant, and Woody Hayes. It's 2010 and you cannot physically or mentally abuse players. It's very easy in today's "right now" reporting trend to get caught.
  • Finally, some predictions for 2010: Manning will win his 4th MVP and, 2nd Superbowl. 'Bama wins the National Title, the next-gen iPhone makes time travel possible (and Verizon claims it can make you get superhuman powers)

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