Sunday, January 10, 2010

Top 5 innovations of the last decade

This is a list that doesn't neccesarily include inventions (although some of them are) but more just innovations that have changed our life since the tramatic time period of Y2K. Some are for fun, some convinience, but I think it should be stated that technology clearly advanced more in this important 10 year time span than it had in the last 50.

  1. i-pod/i-tunes--Although remedial MP3 devices existed in niche form prior to the ipod's 2001 release, Apple's original ipod, although now drastically flawed, changed the way the music industry will opperate forever. It's clean interface, sleek design, and large (for the time anyways) storage capability made cd's more irrevlevant as each year passed. Although upgrades have now put the line into its own stratosphere, the original still weilds its influence everytime someone downloads a song today.
  2. Text messaging--Appropriately, at the close of the 2000's, text messaging use, suprassed traditional phone calls in December of 2009. Texting spawned a new language, legislation to prevent it while driving, and an entire culture of neo-communication. Dilemas revolving around long converstations for simple matters are now irreleavant, and while some argue that texting has ruined converstion, there is no doubt that its impact is spread far and wide.

  3. HD Television--It's hard to remember that only 10 years ago, everyone's televisions were huge, bulky, low resolution sets that challenged interior designers and rabid sports fans alike with its dull picture, and obtruce design. HD television became popular early in the 2000' s, although until recently it was still a fringe commodity. Broadcasts are now clearer, sound better, and are far more enjoyable. With the recent anouncement of 3D television debuting this year, its hard to imagine what we may be viewing in 2020.

  4. iphone/Blackberry--It is too hard choose one over the other, but both of them have been enormously infuential over the past decade. Email, video, internet, all at the tip of your fingertips. Wow, what would we do if we couldn't read restraunt reviews, get detailed directions or most importantly check your favorite teams scores in real time? It seems so trivial now to think about, and we often take these devices for granted, but again, what is still possible seems mind boggling.

  5. GPS--This technology was first developed in the early 90's to ease our troops battle through rough terrain in the first Gulf War. It came to be used by the masses about 10 years ago and has become an institution ever since. The original Garmin was large, and difficult for the amatuer to figure out, but what followed was the convinience of knowing you will never be lost again. Including it in phones and other mobile devices only strenghtened GPS's grip on our culture.

**Honorable Mention

  • 2nd Generation Toyota Prius (2004)
  • Tivo (2000)
  • Red Box (2002)
  • Facebook/Twitter (2003, 2006)
  • Nintendo Wii (2006)

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