Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Countdowns begin

For one, I am going to put a different countdown up on here at least a few times a week. For some reason, Americans love countdowns. I don't know why, but they seem to legitimize things that are otherwise simply one persons opinion. I am certainly no exception. I will read anything that involves counting something down. To start, it's a simple one. The top 10 movies of this decade. With the decade coming to an end, its about time for this one. This is also just my opinion, so nowhere will you find any Lord of the Rings, The Notebook, or Gigli.

10. Traffic (2000) Classic Soderberg, underrated.
9. Almost Famous (2000) "I am the golden god."
8. The Departed (2006) "Don't stop until you're numb."
7. The Hangover (2009) "OMG, have you seen The Hangover yet?!!"
6. Slumdog Millionaire (2008) Brilliant Storytelling, great ending.
5. Boiler Room (2000) Wall Street on HGH.
4. Oceans 11 (2001) Brad Pitt was eating something in each scene.
3. There Will Be Blood (2007) "I drink your milkshake!!"
2. Miracle (2003) When do the Olympics start?
1. American Psycho (2000) Don't just stare at it, eat it."


  1. Snubbed movies from your list in no particular order:

    - The Dark Knight
    - Lord of the Rings (17 academy awards)
    - Gladiator

    Good call on Almost Famous, Slumdog, and American Psycho

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. More snubbed movies-

    Oceans 11????? Just because a movie has 3 or more superstars in it doesnt means its great... I bet your real excited about "Men who stare at Goats"!!! I didnt like any of the Oceans movies much. Replace it with Snatch- Same Genre far superior storyline. Argue that?

    Also I would throw Traitor in there. If you havent seen it-must watch.

    Rick- Lord of the Rings- Such a Nerd.

  4. Scotty...Love Oceans 11, hated 12, liked 13. I am not a fan of british humor. sorry. Never saw Traitor. Courtney loves Don Cheadle. I'll give it a shot.
