Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday Evening Nose Tackle

Peter King of Sports Illustrated writes a much ready, highly influential football column each Monday morning called Monday Morning Quarterback (or MMQB). While his column is very well written, and we get the fact that he knows EVERYONE ever associated with the NFL, I thought the weekend re-cap needs a change of pace. I will write this each monday night and it's nothing more than my observations for the past week in the NFL....

-----First off, the refs are really, really making the popular phrase "No Fun League" a reality this year. This week showed some perfect example. Ochocinco "bribing" the ref was hysterical, and it looks like instead of $1, it may cost him a few extra zero's....4 to be exact. Is it really that big of a deal? Not really.
-----In the world of Fantasy Football, my proven theory that drafting a QB over a RB is being highlighted almost each weekend this year. For every Chris Johnson 200 yard game, there are 3-4 terrific fantasy weeks from Brees, Brady, Rodgers, Rivers, Manning etc. etc....I will ALWAYS take a great QB over a great RB in FFBL.
-----New Orleans has 11 defensive TD's this season. Cleveland has 9....ON OFFENSE.
-----Congrats to Vinny Testaverte, Eric Rhett, Sam Wyche and the rest of the Buccanneers on winning their first contest of the season. Wait, I don't think it was 1994. I might be off be a few decades.
-----Brandon Marshall's shoes, nuff said.
-----Is it me, or are there less Peyton Manning commercials this season? And why doesn't he host SNL again?
-----John Gruden should seriously consider staying in the booth and becoming the next John Madden. He is that good.
-----No Radiers, Browns, or Rams this week. What a shame.
-----Let's not over-do throwbacks in 1 season.
-----Finally, my midseason awards.
Nothing groundbreaking, but here they are, MVP--Peyton, Defensive Player of the Year--Darren Sharper, Coach of the year--Josh McDaniels, Offensive Rookie of the Year--Percy Harvin, Defensive Rookie of the year--Brian Cushing, Superbowl Prediction (call me un-original) Colts over Saints.

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