Sunday, November 22, 2009

Random Observations for the week...

  • Why is it that every commercial on ESPN Radio is for debt consolidation or quitting smoking? I feel like a derelict each time an ad. comes on.
  • I've been reading on this Northside Re-devolopement project that is gaining steam for city approval. Looks to me like a great idea on paper. Read up on it at
  • Check out Mizzou being one of the teams that was chosen by Nike to test their new Pro Combat uniforms. They look great. Here is the link to all of them.
  • Go see "The Blind Side" with Sandra Bullock. Whether you like football or not, it's a good flick. Better than most inspirational sports movies.
  • Congrats to Ford....Fusion is Motor Trend 2010 car of the year. I had one for a company car for a few months. Really liked it. This is big for the American car industry.
  • If you are not watching "The League" yet on FX and you are a male, something is wrong with you. Check it out On Demand or watch it each Thursday night at 9:30.
  • As far as updates on the St. Louis County/City smoking ban, it does not take effect until January 1, 2011. Also, a loophole in the law. If your bar is smaller than 2,000 square feet (i.e. Kilkenny's, Barristers, Red Lion, etc...) you do not have to comply until 2015. This whole thing has been nothing short of a disaster.
  • Check out news on Mizzou basketball's phenomenal 2010 recruting class at

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