Sunday, November 15, 2009

Now....For the worst movies

So, I did my Top 10 movies of the last decade a week or so ago. I feel pretty good about it looking back. (My Wife does not). Now, I figured why not go the opposite dirrection and give you my LEAST favorited movies of the last 10 years.

10. Men in Black II (2002) Does anyone remember 1 thing from this movie?
9. The Replacements (2000) Keanu at his best
8. Gigli (2003) I think the name says it all
7. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Louder than a Pantera concert
6. Oceans 12 (2003) Messsing with a good thing is not a good thing
5. Meet the Fockers (2006) Ben Stiller=Lame
4. Ali (2001) Booorrriiiinngggggg
3. Troy (2003) See Above
2. Four Christmas' (2008) Comedy at it's worst
1. Pearl Harbor (2001) It truely hurt to watch this entire movie


  1. I haven't seen any of those. Glad I didn't waste my time. I thought Pearl Harbor was suppossed to be good though. Hmm.

  2. I have to admit, Garrett and I actually liked Four Christmas'...although I like anything to do with Christmas :-)

  3. Really glad to see Ali on this list. I remember it was hyped up to be a great movie and then I watched it and I kept waiting for something to happen....and waiting, and waiting....then it was over. Also, who are all these people that think Ben Stiller is funny?? The same people that enjoy Nickelback and The Black Eyed Peas I'm guessing.
