Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Top 10 BIGGEST songs of the Decade from Hell

So I covered movies already a few weeks ago, and let me specify that these are not my FAVORITE songs of the 2000's, but what I feel are the most popular. I base this on research from Billboard Magazine, airplay throughout the last 10 years, and overall cultural impact. This isn't written in stone, but they are all up there for sure. One thing I will say is that Don't Stop Believing by Journey is probably the most played song over the last decade, but it was released 28 years ago so it doesn't count. I have put together a full list of the top 100, but this is not the forum for that much detail (and most people don't have the attention span.) If you really want that much insight, let me know and I'll email it to ya.

  1. Usher- Yeah! (2004) This song could be heard everywhere. Usher was the next Michael...And then he wasn't. Song is still great.
  2. Eminem- Lose Yourself (2002) How do you listen to this son and not get jacked up? Best movie theme since Eye of the Tiger from Rocky.
  3. Beyonce- Single Ladies (2008) One of the true anthems for this decade. Bachelorette Party's will never be the same.
  4. 50 Cent- In Da Club (2003) This movie had everyone from tweens to housewives sayin, "go shawty it's your birthday, we gonna party like its yo birthday."
  5. Black Eyed Peas- I Got a Feeling (2009) This song will be heard for years to come everytime a 17 year old girl gets ready for a night out at the movies.
  6. Outkast- Hey Ya! (2003) Had biggest catchphrase from a song in the lyrics "shake it like a Polaroid picture." You cannot do that anymore, Polaroid stopped selling the camera 4 years after the song was released. Ouch.
  7. Rihanna feat. Jay Z- Umbrella (2007) Before Chris Brown, there was Umbrella. Great track, will not sound dated for many years.
  8. Kelly Clarkson- Since U Been Gone (2004) Another anthem. I can tell you there are many, many men who have sang this in their car on the way home from the bars.
  9. R. Kelly- Ignition Remix (2004) Great party song. Unfortunately probably will sound dated by 2015.
  10. Justin Timberlake- Sexyback (2006) Song took a few listens to warm up to, but American warmed up fast. Sexyback became a pop culture term for the masses.

Too much to cover, too little time

Weekly Observations Dec. 7-13

  • I don't know where to begin with Tiger. For some reason, I hate that he got exposed, but love hearing about it. At first, I thought it would be easy to come back from (i.e. Kobe 2003), but the more and more details that emerge, the tougher that is going to be. Awesome.
  • Mizzou to the Texas Bowl???For everyone who is bitching about this, stop. Yes, we are better than Iowa State, but we lost at HOME to BAYLOR. We were their only win in the Big XII. What is the difference anyways? Unless you are in the title game, all bowls are the same.
  • Yes, the new highway 40 is nice, spacious, and I have seen too many damn news stories on it this week. 'Nuff Said.
  • I am surpirsed by some recent album sales. I am typically good at forcasting this stuff, b ut Rihanna's album tanking, and Susan Boyle tearing it up is quite shocking. I say that the"middle america" phenomenon is responsible for this anomoly.
  • The Rams have work to do. There is no sure shot this year at QB (or any year really) and I don't know which direction I would go yet. Bring on Mel Kiper and Todd McShay already please.
  • Peter Gammons leaving ESPN for MLB network is like Derek Jeter signing with the BoSox.
  • Getting excited for a few movies. Up in the Air (for more reasons than just that it was shot in StL), Invictis with Matt Damon and Morgan Freeman, and who isn't curious about Avatar. James Cameron has alot to prove
  • Again....Watch "The League" on FX Thursday's at 10.
  • Buy Eastbound and Down: Season 1 on DVD before season 2 premiers in February.
  • Does anyone go to InsideSTL.com regularly? They desperately need a mobile site.
  • If you are on Twitter and like sports, follow: Adam Schefter, Ochocinco, Chris Mortensen, Joe Sports Fan (Local gone nationwide) and Bernie Miklasz.
  • Watch out for your car if you live in the StL.....Car break-ins are at their highest level ever these last 2 weeks.
  • Is it me, or does Quiktrip get better every single day. I will never use another gas station to buy my Diet Mountain Dew, and Chicken Taquitos.
  • Finally, watch out these next few weeks for some crazy lists I am putting together to honor the end of the decade from hell. As always let me know what you think.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Random Observations for the week...

  • Why is it that every commercial on ESPN Radio is for debt consolidation or quitting smoking? I feel like a derelict each time an ad. comes on.
  • I've been reading on this Northside Re-devolopement project that is gaining steam for city approval. Looks to me like a great idea on paper. Read up on it at Stltoday.com.
  • Check out Mizzou being one of the teams that was chosen by Nike to test their new Pro Combat uniforms. They look great. Here is the link to all of them.http://friendsoftheprogram.net/2009/11/10/nike-pro-combat-the-complete-collection-with-slogans/
  • Go see "The Blind Side" with Sandra Bullock. Whether you like football or not, it's a good flick. Better than most inspirational sports movies.
  • Congrats to Ford....Fusion is Motor Trend 2010 car of the year. I had one for a company car for a few months. Really liked it. This is big for the American car industry.
  • If you are not watching "The League" yet on FX and you are a male, something is wrong with you. Check it out On Demand or watch it each Thursday night at 9:30.
  • As far as updates on the St. Louis County/City smoking ban, it does not take effect until January 1, 2011. Also, a loophole in the law. If your bar is smaller than 2,000 square feet (i.e. Kilkenny's, Barristers, Red Lion, etc...) you do not have to comply until 2015. This whole thing has been nothing short of a disaster.
  • Check out news on Mizzou basketball's phenomenal 2010 recruting class at Powermizzou.com

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Now....For the worst movies

So, I did my Top 10 movies of the last decade a week or so ago. I feel pretty good about it looking back. (My Wife does not). Now, I figured why not go the opposite dirrection and give you my LEAST favorited movies of the last 10 years.

10. Men in Black II (2002) Does anyone remember 1 thing from this movie?
9. The Replacements (2000) Keanu at his best
8. Gigli (2003) I think the name says it all
7. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Louder than a Pantera concert
6. Oceans 12 (2003) Messsing with a good thing is not a good thing
5. Meet the Fockers (2006) Ben Stiller=Lame
4. Ali (2001) Booorrriiiinngggggg
3. Troy (2003) See Above
2. Four Christmas' (2008) Comedy at it's worst
1. Pearl Harbor (2001) It truely hurt to watch this entire movie

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday Evening Nose Tackle

Peter King of Sports Illustrated writes a much ready, highly influential football column each Monday morning called Monday Morning Quarterback (or MMQB). While his column is very well written, and we get the fact that he knows EVERYONE ever associated with the NFL, I thought the weekend re-cap needs a change of pace. I will write this each monday night and it's nothing more than my observations for the past week in the NFL....

-----First off, the refs are really, really making the popular phrase "No Fun League" a reality this year. This week showed some perfect example. Ochocinco "bribing" the ref was hysterical, and it looks like instead of $1, it may cost him a few extra zero's....4 to be exact. Is it really that big of a deal? Not really.
-----In the world of Fantasy Football, my proven theory that drafting a QB over a RB is being highlighted almost each weekend this year. For every Chris Johnson 200 yard game, there are 3-4 terrific fantasy weeks from Brees, Brady, Rodgers, Rivers, Manning etc. etc....I will ALWAYS take a great QB over a great RB in FFBL.
-----New Orleans has 11 defensive TD's this season. Cleveland has 9....ON OFFENSE.
-----Congrats to Vinny Testaverte, Eric Rhett, Sam Wyche and the rest of the Buccanneers on winning their first contest of the season. Wait, I don't think it was 1994. I might be off be a few decades.
-----Brandon Marshall's shoes, nuff said.
-----Is it me, or are there less Peyton Manning commercials this season? And why doesn't he host SNL again?
-----John Gruden should seriously consider staying in the booth and becoming the next John Madden. He is that good.
-----No Radiers, Browns, or Rams this week. What a shame.
-----Let's not over-do throwbacks in 1 season.
-----Finally, my midseason awards.
Nothing groundbreaking, but here they are, MVP--Peyton, Defensive Player of the Year--Darren Sharper, Coach of the year--Josh McDaniels, Offensive Rookie of the Year--Percy Harvin, Defensive Rookie of the year--Brian Cushing, Superbowl Prediction (call me un-original) Colts over Saints.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Countdowns begin

For one, I am going to put a different countdown up on here at least a few times a week. For some reason, Americans love countdowns. I don't know why, but they seem to legitimize things that are otherwise simply one persons opinion. I am certainly no exception. I will read anything that involves counting something down. To start, it's a simple one. The top 10 movies of this decade. With the decade coming to an end, its about time for this one. This is also just my opinion, so nowhere will you find any Lord of the Rings, The Notebook, or Gigli.

10. Traffic (2000) Classic Soderberg, underrated.
9. Almost Famous (2000) "I am the golden god."
8. The Departed (2006) "Don't stop until you're numb."
7. The Hangover (2009) "OMG, have you seen The Hangover yet?!!"
6. Slumdog Millionaire (2008) Brilliant Storytelling, great ending.
5. Boiler Room (2000) Wall Street on HGH.
4. Oceans 11 (2001) Brad Pitt was eating something in each scene.
3. There Will Be Blood (2007) "I drink your milkshake!!"
2. Miracle (2003) When do the Olympics start?
1. American Psycho (2000) Don't just stare at it, eat it."

...Because the World Series is a bore

So people are always saying to me, "Why the hell do you know that?" I don't know where I obtain much information, but for some reason it's just there. For a while, I've been thinking...How can I put any of this junk to use. This seems to be a good place for it. This blog really will serve no purpose. You will not see me spewing on the world things from my personal life such as work, home, or even the weekends. I don't post my status on Facebook, or Twitter, so why on here? I really would like to get any kind of ideas that could make this somewhere people visit just to stop by. Well, here goes nothing.